2011: I shake my head at you. I ask, WTF? Always taking pride in my resilient nature, green and cheerful and always there, like the thickest of crabgrass to the finest of blades, I feel my spry sprig of a soul wilting in the unrest. This year has been the swing of a nine-iron, steady and assuming at first, then bashing through my brain and gouging out divets the size of craters from my heart. Will these holes fill up? Or cave in even more?
Questions questions all these questions. Where do I belong? What should I be doing right now? What's best? Who's best? Why do I keep choosing half-hearted manboys? What are my talents? How come I don't use them? Why do I keep making mistakes? What is a mistake? Since when did I become dramatic and negative?
...I thought I was positive?
Where's the ying to this fucking yang, cuz I'm ready for some light.